White Ameraucanas - Straight Run ONLY
White Ameraucanas - Straight Run ONLY
White Ameraucanas (WA): Next Availability May - October
These are some of the friendliest chickens I have! They are purebred, not the hatchery's trickery of misspelling "Americana" also known as Easter Eggers. They will lay gorgeous blue eggs. Ameraucanas are wonderful birds to keep as pets, and GREAT around children. I never knew a white bird could be so beautiful until I started working with this flock!!
Egg production: 150±
Avg. POL: 30±
Egg color: blue
*These are UNSEXED/Straight run chicks - Males and females
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SGP cares
SGP cares
*Baby chicks will be ready for pick up as soon as one day old. Give your little ones the best start to life with LEMONAIDE Probiotics, which naturally BOOSTS their immune system.
*All hatching eggs are hand gathered, and unwashed. There is NO need to wash hatching eggs, as doing so removes the protective bloom. Upon pickup your eggs will be ready to go straight into the incubator or under your brooder hen.
*All orders will come with a care guide - Tips and Tricks sheet. I want to help you suceed!